Lead Generation + Precision Targeting + Flawless Execution = Success
Traffic to your website is great but qualified traffic to your website is Money, literally it can mead the difference having a successful business and going out of business. This is why it’s important to qualify traffic and leads to your business.
Did you know, according to (MarketingSherpa)
42 Experts Explain How to Get Better Qualified Leads with Interactive Content
The converted email address is guarded even more these day as the number of “free” lead magnets grows. Don’t get me wrong, there is noting wrong with a lead magnet – once it’s honed in to provide real value to the consumer.
IMPORTANT Q’s - What should you be doing to generate quality leads and quickly? What are the steps that you can follow that will increase efficiencies in your marketing and sales funnels?
This is a great article that brings executive level Content Strategists (VPs, CMOs) that defines for us what interactive content we should be looking to leverage to generate “Qualified” traffic. The goal you ask?
"The goal was to better understand which interactive content types were most effective at qualifying prospects at each stage of the sales funnel, and showcase some of the specific interactive marketing strategies used to drive higher campaign ROI across a range of industries."Read the full article here.
Six B2B Lead Generation Tactics That Get Results
Lead generation that spans modern day digital strategies and old school but quite affective approaches to targeting and building a high quality leads database. All business really must understand your customers, leverage effective digital marketing strategies such as SEO, Social Selling while still incorporating human interactions and networking to drive better leads.
“Lead generation can be confusing for marketers. Who do you trust? How do you do it? What returns can be expected? By answering these questions, you can start to identify the best B2B lead generation tactics for your business.”Read further on Forbes B2B Lead Generation Article by Brett Fariloe
6 ways startups can improve sales lead generation (without selling their soul)
Startups are at risk of failing within the first 24 months of treading the entrepreneurship trail. It’s better to fail fast so that one can overcome the hurdles any business will encounter and that required a disciplined set of goal and actions modeled after similar successful companies. One of the areas many companies get wrong and waste precious time and resource on is their lead generation process. Chasing after the wrong customers, spending too much time chasing a prospect that is not ready to buy or will never buy, spending money to too many tools and not looking at the people, process and technology stack as a unified, synergistic growth machine. This article covers some of the basics that when read in conjunction with the other articles presented in this blog post will deliver a highly effective lead generation strategy.
"Startup companies often struggle with lead generation and sales – even though the founders are often very enthusiastic about their company’s product, solution or service, they might not have a good sense of which customers are truly receptive to their solution.
Another challenge for startup founders is to sell in a way that feels natural, comfortable and authentic to who they are. Startup founders often have a sense of idealism – they have identified an excellent solution to a pressing problem in the market, and they want to get in front of as many potential customers, partners and funders as possible, as quickly as possible, but they don’t necessarily think of themselves as “sales people” and they don’t want to be identified with stereotypical “pushy sales tactics."
Read more here: “The Next Web’s Lead Generation without Losing Your Soul by Gregg Schwartz”
How to Catch Someone’s Attention on LinkedIn
LinkedIn has always been the place to define who you are professionally and continues to dominate the professional profile space, but their offering has been shifting or converging to social media marketing with a social selling and content marketing undercurrent. This is a great article from LinkedIn’s Content Insight Quarterly.“When it comes to generating attention online, Content remains King - and LinkedIn is no exception. In fact, the network has made a concerted effort to invest in technology to drive the creation and organization of original, member-created content, helping to make LinkedIn a one-stop shop for professionals looking to connect with industry specific news, resources and opportunities.”See John Nemo’s LinkedIn Prospect Attention Tips for more details.
How to Generate Leads From the Most Popular Pages on Your Website
This is a great detailed article that covers a set of logical steps to convert website traffic into qualified leads. Website traffic analysis using Google Analytics is the starting point, which leads into stickiness of the site – reducing bounce rates by addressing user experience. Content management systems or (CMS) platforms, call to actions (CTSa) and lead magnets and trip wires and all part of finding and engaging quality leads.
“From blog posts to landing pages to job postings, your website may be made up of tens, hundreds; even thousands of individual pages.Great Article by Lindsay Kolowich Image Credit: Hubspot
But regardless how many pages you have on your site, you'll find that the vast majority of your traffic comes in to a few, very specific pages -- often your homepage, your "About" page, your "Contact Us" page, and maybe one or two of your most popular blog posts.
And because so many people are landing on those four or five pages, it's very important that you take special care to optimizing those pages for conversions.”
4 tactics to generate quality leads from social media
Khalid covers some interesting points that you don’t get from many marketing experts. I particularly liked the tip about creating separate social media account to segment your audiences and the related messaging to these audiences. In addition to the examples mentioned, I would add Facebook Fanpages and LinkedIn Showcase pages that can drive engagement based on unique segments for you offer. This will definitely generate a better quality of leads for various segments (personas) your business is targeting.“Sites like Facebook and Instagram are just for people to browse through family pictures and look at cat videos, right?Read More Here: Social Media Lead Generation from Marketing Land. Authored by Khalid Saleh
Because this is how many see these sites, traditional social media marketing efforts have largely focused on using social platforms as branding tools, not lead-gen tools.
While this is partly true, it’s not the complete
Social media isn’t there just to brand your business anymore. If used effectively, you can generate high-quality leads and drive sales through social platforms."
How to Generate 58 Targeted Leads a Week from Social Media
Do you use Gated Content? Are you hosting live streaming events, have you played with Twitter Cards? Are you providing value to potential customers by bing an invaluable resource to them? The are the some of the topics that are covered in this article. Of particular interest to use here at Client Surge were the Twitter Cards and Live Streaming because the provide so much search engine optimization value businesses. We also think sites like Reddit and Quora are great sources for quality targeted leads by being a voice in these forums
“People get weird about social media marketing. They want leads, but they don’t know how to get them.Source: Neil Patel’s Blog
I was in this situation myself for a long time. I thought “Oh, sweet. Social media. Now….how do I get leads?”
I tried a lot of stuff. And, most of what I tried was absolutely disappointing. Zero leads. No progress. Waste of time. But then, things changed.”
Top Lead Generation Tools Every Business Should Be Banking On
Great reminders and tips on lead generation digital assets that we should be incorporating into our content marketing and our overall lead generation strategy. One of the elements that drive a tremendous amount of traffic to this date is infographics. They get a lot of click and given the nature of the document, it does engage a user with colors, images and facts – all things needed to make your page or article sticky.“Marketing simplified is: “I’ll give you X for Y.” Every company thrives on sales. Without them, you’re not in business. Sales simply mean that your product or service is adding so much value to someone’s life that they are willing to pay you for it. But everyone arrives at your doorstep skeptical, so it’s your responsibility to convince your potential customer that you can be trusted.”Read the full article here: Lead Generation Tools written by Nineveh Dinha
Final Thoughts
Lead Generation is critical to all businesses. The digital world we’re marketing and selling into is only getting more competitive and fractured given the technology tools and platform proliferation. Success – Growth in Revenue, Brand Awareness and Market Share demands the best. So start with driving the best quality leads to your business and then figure out how to scale. For help with generating leads or other digital marketing strategies contact us anytime.Original Post Here: Targeting Quality Patient, Client, Customer Leads