Monday, July 17, 2017

Targeting Quality Patient, Client, Customer Leads

Lead Generation + Precision Targeting + Flawless Execution = Success

Traffic to your website is great but qualified traffic to your website is Money, literally it can mead the difference having a successful business and going out of business. This is why it’s important to qualify traffic and leads to your business.

Did you know, according to (MarketingSherpa)
61% of B2B marketers send all leads directly to sales
Only 27% of those leads will be qualified
Bottom Line – The quality of leads matter, not the quantity.

42 Experts Explain How to Get Better Qualified Leads with Interactive Content

Competition to acquire your ideal customer is getting fiercer by the day and they're creating additional chatter or marketing noise, rapidly crowding out your message to a prospect, whom are developing shorter attention spans because of this noise.

The converted email address is guarded even more these day as the number of “free” lead magnets grows. Don’t get me wrong, there is noting wrong with a lead magnet – once it’s honed in to provide real value to the consumer.

IMPORTANT Q’s - What should you be doing to generate quality leads and quickly? What are the steps that you can follow that will increase efficiencies in your marketing and sales funnels?
This is a great article that brings executive level Content Strategists (VPs, CMOs) that defines for us what interactive content we should be looking to leverage to generate “Qualified” traffic.  The goal you ask?
"The goal was to better understand which interactive content types were most effective at qualifying prospects at each stage of the sales funnel, and showcase some of the specific interactive marketing strategies used to drive higher campaign ROI across a range of industries."
Read the full article here.

Six B2B Lead Generation Tactics That Get Results

Lead generation that spans modern day digital strategies and old school but quite affective approaches to targeting and building a high quality leads database.   All business really must understand your customers, leverage effective digital marketing strategies such as SEO, Social Selling while still incorporating human interactions and networking to drive better leads.
“Lead generation can be confusing for marketers. Who do you trust? How do you do it? What returns can be expected? By answering these questions, you can start to identify the best B2B lead generation tactics for your business.”
Read further on Forbes B2B Lead Generation Article by Brett Fariloe

6 ways startups can improve sales lead generation (without selling their soul)

Startups are at risk of failing within the first 24 months of treading the entrepreneurship trail.   It’s better to fail fast so that one can overcome the hurdles any business will encounter and that required a disciplined set of goal and actions modeled after similar successful companies. One of the areas many companies get wrong and waste precious time and resource on is their lead generation process. Chasing after the wrong customers, spending too much time chasing a prospect that is not ready to buy or will never buy, spending money to too many tools and not looking at the people, process and technology stack as a unified, synergistic growth machine. This article covers some of the basics that when read in conjunction with the other articles presented in this blog post will deliver a highly effective lead generation strategy.
"Startup companies often struggle with lead generation and sales – even though the founders are often very enthusiastic about their company’s product, solution or service, they might not have a good sense of which customers are truly receptive to their solution.
 Another challenge for startup founders is to sell in a way that feels natural, comfortable and authentic to who they are. Startup founders often have a sense of idealism – they have identified an excellent solution to a pressing problem in the market, and they want to get in front of as many potential customers, partners and funders as possible, as quickly as possible, but they don’t necessarily think of themselves as “sales people” and they don’t want to be identified with stereotypical “pushy sales tactics."

Read more here: “The Next Web’s Lead Generation without Losing Your Soul by Gregg Schwartz”

How to Catch Someone’s Attention on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has always been the place to define who you are professionally and continues to dominate the professional profile space, but their offering has been shifting or converging to social media marketing with a social selling and content marketing undercurrent. This is a great article from LinkedIn’s Content Insight Quarterly.
“When it comes to generating attention online, Content remains King - and LinkedIn is no exception.  In fact, the network has made a concerted effort to invest in technology to drive the creation and organization of original, member-created content, helping to make LinkedIn a one-stop shop for professionals looking to connect with industry specific news, resources and opportunities.”
See John Nemo’s LinkedIn Prospect Attention Tips for more details.

How to Generate Leads From the Most Popular Pages on Your Website

This is a great detailed article that covers a set of logical steps to convert website traffic into qualified leads. Website traffic analysis using Google Analytics is the starting point, which leads into stickiness of the site – reducing bounce rates by addressing user experience.   Content management systems or (CMS) platforms, call to actions (CTSa) and lead magnets and trip wires and all part of finding and engaging quality leads.
“From blog posts to landing pages to job postings, your website may be made up of tens, hundreds; even thousands of individual pages.
But regardless how many pages you have on your site, you'll find that the vast majority of your traffic comes in to a few, very specific pages -- often your homepage, your "About" page, your "Contact Us" page, and maybe one or two of your most popular blog posts.
And because so many people are landing on those four or five pages, it's very important that you take special care to optimizing those pages for conversions.”
Great Article by Lindsay Kolowich Image Credit: Hubspot

4 tactics to generate quality leads from social media

Khalid covers some interesting points that you don’t get from many marketing experts. I particularly liked the tip about creating separate social media account to segment your audiences and the related messaging to these audiences. In addition to the examples mentioned, I would add Facebook Fanpages and LinkedIn Showcase pages that can drive engagement based on unique segments for you offer. This will definitely generate a better quality of leads for various segments (personas) your business is targeting.
“Sites like Facebook and Instagram are just for people to browse through family pictures and look at cat videos, right?
Because this is how many see these sites, traditional social media marketing efforts have largely focused on using social platforms as branding tools, not lead-gen tools.
While this is partly true, it’s not the complete
Social media isn’t there just to brand your business anymore. If used effectively, you can generate high-quality leads and drive sales through social platforms."
Read More Here: Social Media Lead Generation from Marketing Land. Authored by Khalid Saleh

How to Generate 58 Targeted Leads a Week from Social Media

Do you use Gated Content? Are you hosting live streaming events, have you played with Twitter Cards? Are you providing value to potential customers by bing an invaluable resource to them? The are the some of the topics that are covered in this article. Of particular interest to use here at Client Surge were the Twitter Cards and Live Streaming because the provide so much search engine optimization value businesses. We also think sites like Reddit and Quora are great sources for quality targeted leads by being a voice in these forums
“People get weird about social media marketing. They want leads, but they don’t know how to get them.
I was in this situation myself for a long time. I thought “Oh, sweet. Social media. Now….how do I get leads?”
I tried a lot of stuff. And, most of what I tried was absolutely disappointing. Zero leads. No progress. Waste of time. But then, things changed.”
Source: Neil Patel’s Blog

Top Lead Generation Tools Every Business Should Be Banking On

Great reminders and tips on lead generation digital assets that we should be incorporating into our content marketing and our overall lead generation strategy. One of the elements that drive a tremendous amount of traffic to this date is infographics. They get a lot of click and given the nature of the document, it does engage a user with colors, images and facts – all things needed to make your page or article sticky.
“Marketing simplified is: “I’ll give you X for Y.” Every company thrives on sales. Without them, you’re not in business. Sales simply mean that your product or service is adding so much value to someone’s life that they are willing to pay you for it. But everyone arrives at your doorstep skeptical, so it’s your responsibility to convince your potential customer that you can be trusted.”
Read the full article here: Lead Generation Tools written by Nineveh Dinha

Final Thoughts

Lead Generation is critical to all businesses. The digital world we’re marketing and selling into is only getting more competitive and fractured given the technology tools and platform proliferation. Success – Growth in Revenue, Brand Awareness and Market Share demands the best. So start with driving the best quality leads to your business and then figure out how to scale. For help with generating leads or other digital marketing strategies contact us anytime.

Original Post Here: Targeting Quality Patient, Client, Customer Leads

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Impact Blogs Can Have on Your Business’s Organic Rankings

Do you have a content marketing plan and blog as part of your search engine ranking strategy? Has you SEO spoken to you about really driving beyond technical SEO strategies and merely highlighting that blogs are important from a keyword perspective? This article brings together content that really links blogs and content management strategies to search engine optimization ranking to explain how blogging can help search rankings.  There's gold in these here words!

For many businesses, the though of building a simple blog can appear to be a daunting task since they feel overwhelmed by content production aspects of it.  Irrespective of what industry your business is in, you’re going to initially feel that you’re boxed into a limited set of keywords and it’s difficult to come up with topics for your blog.

Increase Organic Rankings Through Blogging

A personal injury (PI) lawyer should stick to content surrounding accidents injury related malpractices and should not talk about hunting or auto racing,…..Correct? Maybe at first glance.

You’re feeling this way because you want to provide the best information to prospects coming to your website. The following articles have been complied to make you understand that this is NOT the case. Check out this article to help you with branching out with your content strategy.

Why Brands Need to Branch Out From Product-Focused Content

Move beyond the traditional silos for content and expand your content offering. This will provide more writing opportunities, more interesting content opportunities and a broader reach.

The old adage “Write what you know” may be a helpful guide for aspiring short story writers, but it can actually be a limiting mindset for brands that want to produce ambitious content.

What companies know best will always be their products and services, but there are other topics that fall within their areas of expertise that offer far more value to consumers. In fact, a study by Kentico Software found that 74 percent of the general public trusts content from companies that educate them on a topic, but when those same companies include a product-focused message in their content, credibility drops by 29 percent.

The good news: Brands are really starting to embrace this storytelling that eschews self-promotion. Take Dove, which would be fine with commercials that market reduced-residue soap, but has moved forward instead with “Real Beauty” videos about confidence that really tug on our heartstrings and leave a lasting impression.

Continue Reading Contently's Here


Will My Organic Rankings Suffer if I don’t Have a Blog?

Blogging can help with search marketing and traffic generation to your website.

Simply put, a blog allows you to gain search engine results page (SERP) real estate, which can provide additional touch points for users to discover your brand. In creating new content, you will inevitably be expanding your keyword set — though I highly recommend performing keyword mapping (using Google’s Keyword Planner tool) and pre-planning your strategy to avoid keyword overlap and URL confusion.

Do note that recent changes have made it increasingly more difficult to get accurate keyword data from Google. In order to see “normal” search volume ranges, you will need to have a significant amount of ad spend with Google. It may be helpful to sync up with your paid search team to create a workaround.

This article does a great job of looking at the limitations or boxed in a pure “keyword” approach to SEO and blogging and strengthens the fact that blogging can help search rankings. As a product of improvement it suggests that we take a slightly broader view of how we leverage topical content to SEO and tying it back to a desired conversion funnel. There is clear evidence of blogging benefits for building both brand presence and organic traffic generation. A byproduct of good outside the box content generation and modern day search engine optimization best practices.

See Full Article by Search Engine Land Here

12 Tips for Content Marketing from an SEO Perspective

Tips & Helpful Pointers When Leveraging Blogging for SEO

Incorporate the following content tips early in the SEO process, not after building your website or content strategy.  This will allow you to maximize qualified traffic to your business. With your buyer persona in mind, think through the desired action from end point backwards. Think about the sale and work backwards from both a funnel and content perspective. What are the questions your buyer personas have, what are core offers you provide for your buyer persona, the trigger points into your sales funnel, etc. Given that these articles emphasize that blogging can help search rankings, it critical to think through these questions.  Here is a high-level list provided by ClickZ and Search Engine Watch:

  • Break down ‘silos’ when creating your team
  • Know your goals
  • Do a content audit
  • Don’t create content for content’s sake
  • Create data-driven content – and make it newsworthy
  • Get exclusives for your content (but make sure you’re the source)
  • Create content that answers questions
  • Understand what triggers Quick Answers, and play to it
  • Make the customer the hero
  • Remember that you’re building an audience – not just traffic or links
  • Explore relevant syndication partners
  • Just Do It.

Read the original article (with full details for each of the 12 content marketing tips) created by ClickZ and Search Engine Watch.

B2B Content Marketing - 2017 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America

Are you still unconvinced that blogs and content marketing are a great fit? While they say past performance is no predictor of future results, we can certainly glean nuggets of gold from 2016 and start implementing them in 2017. This article by Content Marketing Institute & MarketingProfs sponsored by Brightcove does a great job of analyzing content marketing stats and lessons learned that should be reviewed against you current content efforts or as a checklist before you start one. It covers at high-level

  • Industry snapshot for B2B Marketers and Their Content Strategy Success

B@B Content Marketing Success Compared to 1 Year Ago

  • Effective Content Tactics

Content Management Tactics by B2B Marketers

  • Channels to Distribute your Content and Build Trust

B2B Content Marketing Channels


Truly some valuable statistics that worth the time to review.  Full research guide from Content Marketing Institute.


SEO and Digital Trends in 2017

So Where is search engine optimization going for 2017?  Have you invested figuring out how this highly-effective marketing approach can help you business?  It's still not too late to start looking at implementing SEO strategies.  It would be wise to take a look at some trends to help with your overall plan.  Start leveraging blogging to build brand awareness.  Consider reviving it as blogging can help search rankings based on the statistics present in this post.

SEO Trends

It was an intense year, especially when it came to SEO and Google in particular. Because I'm deeply convinced that we cannot attempt any preview of the future without considering what happened in the past, I invite you to look back at the events that have marked the evolution of Google in the past 10 months.

It is important to note that, contrary to more classic Google timelines, I prefer to see all Google-related events in the same place. I believe it's the only way we can escape from a too-narrow vision of where Google is headed:

Blue: Official Google Updates
Red: Businesses/companies acquired by Google/Alphabet
Green: Main posts in Google Webmaster Blog
Purple: Main Google patents published
Brown: Products Google launched in the market



2016 Content Marketing Timeline Of Events


Image Credit: Gianluca Fiorelli & MOZ

Continue reading about SEO Trends for 2017 from MOZ

Final Thoughts on How Blogging Can Help Search Rankings

If you don’t have a blog or not really putting much effort into it, it’s time that you start. A consistent blogging cadence will prove that blogging can help search rankings. If you want to succeed, stay relevant and top of mind to your customers and to Search Engines, combining Content into your SEO activities.

Dominate your market through creativity, understanding how SEO connects to conversion funnels, and start with the end in mind.  These are valuable tips to help your marketing efforts.  Also, ensure know which channels your buys live on, build your content library and advanced SEO strategies according to data and you’ll have success. Just make sure content/blogging is part of your digital strategy and start today!

Contact us today to find out how Client Surge SEO can help you with your search engine optimization efforts.


Originally Published Here: The Impact Blogs Can Have on Your Business’s Organic Rankings

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Digital Ad Spend Forecast, Trends & Hurdles For 2017 and Beyond

With so many digital platforms, devices and applications , it can be confusing for business owners to evaluate marketing strategies. Before you know it, there is a new ad platform to learn and monetize.  Enter Periscope “Hearts” Twitter’s revenue play for 2017 and onward.  It's important to understand digital ad spend forecast, trends & hurdles for 2017 and beyond in order for you to make the right marketing plays.

Consider This:

Twitter is ramping up the revenue options for its live-streaming app, Periscope. A couple of weeks after inserting ads before some Periscope videos, Twitter is introducing an ad format that can appear atop a live or recorded Periscope broadcast the company announced on Monday.


Called Custom Hearts, the new ad format takes the standard hearts that appears on-screen when people like a Periscope video and mixes in branded ones. For viewers, there’s no action required to use a Custom Heart. If the brand and/or person posting the live stream has activated the campaign, then the branded hearts will be automatically blended with the regular hearts that appear when a viewer likes the video.

Source: Marketing Land - Twitter’s latest ad format turns Periscope hearts into branded ones.

If you’ve not heavily invested in any video platform heavily, you can certainly look at Periscope Hearts as an option but my advice would to be to stick to proven platforms and funnels for video and not blaze the trails with Hearts yet. Hire a competent digital marketing agency that can implement video marketing strategies.  Ensure they leverage ROI proven platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.  This will allow you to build your momentum and digital asset base.

Following the money is a great way to know what’s working. Google and Facebook will continue to dominate the digital advertising space for 2017.

The forecast from market research company eMarketer shows that Google is likely to make $72.69 billion in ad revenues in 2017, while Facebook will make $33.76 billion. Together, that equates to a 46.4 percent share of advertisers' total global digital ad spend.

Source Here: eMarketer

Whether it’s Google’s AdWords, Facebook and YouTube Ads, Instagram Photo and Video Ads, these are the platforms to master. Don’t forget to keep a pulse on other platforms such as SnapChat. Notice something, many of these platforms are social, mobile enabled, and seeing large user engagement with video content.

We all know video marketing is "killing it" across major digital platforms in terms of engagement.  Ensure you have video advertising as part of your sales and monetization funnel. Business Insider's article does a great job of summarizing content delivered by BI Intelligence “Digital Media Briefing”. It provides some valuable trends for social video ad spend this year through 2021.

Noteworthy highlights provided :

  • By 2020, mobile will be the biggest online advertising market, and video the fastest growing.

  • So-called "walled gardens" Google and Facebook lead a relatively small group of players that attract the vast majority of digital-ad spending in the US today. 

  • Growth can be challenging for players outside the walled-garden duopoly, and many companies are reaching a level of maturity that may prompt investors to push for an exit.

  • Ad tech is poised for consolidation, and probably the number of companies in the industry will decline significantly.

  • Companies specializing in certain ad formats like mobile, video, and TV are attractive targets. They are well positioned to take advantage of the fastest growing segments of digital media.

Full Story Here: Business Insider

What are you doing this year that drastically improves traffic, conversion, and revenue growth for your business?

If you’re not consistently growing between 20% to 30% year over year, it's likely your competitors are taking marketshare. Give Client Surge SEO the opportunity to help you define and implement your game changing digital marketing plan while you focus on serving your customers.

Complete our discovery form or get your free website audit report to get the ball rolling.

Image Credits:Photo - Martin Fisch, Text @ronmader

Post Source Here: Digital Ad Spend Forecast, Trends & Hurdles For 2017 and Beyond

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Digital Marketing Is Too Complicated, It Never Works, It’s a Waste of Money with No Real ROI

Is that what you tell yourself when you think about search engine optimization, Facebook marketing, AdWords or other PPC platforms?

We as digital marketers can understand how these feeling could have been developed but “Like a good neighbor, Client Surge is there” to help inspire you and help you see the potential.

The great thing about the digital marketing landscape is there are so many options that you can monetize on. It’s interesting to learn how existing brands and business are using digital platforms to reach their customers, drive brand awareness and monetize on these platforms. All we have to do is be exposed to successful marketing case studies, make meaningful correlations to our business, build, execute and refine.

Check out this great video by Claire Mas, Head of Digital, Communion Music (UK).

Video Source: Want to get ahead of the curve and shape your digital marketing strategies in line with the latest trends?

Notable Takeaways:

  • Leverage Influencers to help you market your products  and/or services
    • J Khalid – SnapChat – learn how they are, what they’re doing and take action (find influencers that would help your brand and would work with you)
  • Video Trends
    • Video content is driving a lot of traffic and creates considerable content engagement
    • HyperLaps videos on Instagram is a great example of video that captures attention
    • Facebook Videos: Facebooks want you to use live stream videos and they’ll give you more content views if you implement them. Facebook live stream enhances your ability to get customer views.
    • Create Video announcements and share across social platforms
  • YouTube should absolutely be leveraged. Take content from your YouTube channel and make small 20 to 30 second bites for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
  • Messaging Apps
    • Growing VERY fast as a way to sell and communicate with prospects and customers
    • Facebook Messenger || WeChat in China || Line in Japan
    • WeChat – Used to do everything on this app such as buying tickets, reserving reservations, ordering taxis, and buying goods. Dominating in China and could be a model that other countries emulate.
    • Apps in Apps. Applications to do the above within it’s native messaging application. Eg. Book your flight with United by chatting with them online.

Online Advertising & Much More Advice!

Given the number of digital channels you have at your disposal, understand that it takes time, experience and resources to fully implement and integrate them into sustainable marketing and sales processes.

For many business owners and even marketers, it’s easy to get caught up in shiny object syndrome and then fall into confused state when looking for the right digital marketing strategy and the agency that execute it. This is where most opt-in for cheap to mitigate the “risk’ but this inevitably is the reason they’ve got poor results.

When I say cheap – I mean either low cost consultants /services that are low cost because they are learning on your dime, OR incomplete / underfunded campaigns that don’t have the funding to get to what is successful, OR BOTH!

Client Surge SEO believes that a well though out marketing strategy funded appropriately should being returns on your investment of over 200% or more.

Content is still king, and platform(s) matter. Don’t sit on the sidelines while the competition builds their digital asset empire. Choose your digital marketing agency and platforms wisely!

Featured Image Credit:Henripontes (Owner)

Learn More Here: Digital Marketing Is Too Complicated, It Never Works, It’s a Waste of Money with No Real ROI

Friday, April 7, 2017

8 First Step SEO Tips for Bloggers

Much has been written on the topic of search engine optimization for bloggers – but let me give you a few basic first steps:

1. Content is King

The quality of the posts you write is the single most important factor when it comes to Search Optimization on a Blog. I suspect others will argue differently but as I look at my own blogs success in the search engines I’d say that this has been the number one factor.

Quality content that helps people will quite often draw a reader to want to share what they’ve written – of course they do this by passing on the link to your post and often they’ll do it in a way that helps your search rankings (on their own blog for example).

2. Anticipate What People Will be Searching For

Every time you write a post you should be automatically be considering what words people might be putting into search engines to find that type of information. Once you know what kinds of words they’re using you’re in a great position to position yourself for that search.

3. Titles Titles Titles 

There are a number of things to keep in mind when it comes to titles. Google pays particular attention to titles – so make sure you get them right:

first make sure that the way you set your blog up puts the title of your post in the ‘title tags’ on the back end of your blog. This is really important.

if you’re just looking from an SEO perspective don’t include your blog name in the title tags of single posts. This dilutes your keywords. Of course if you’re looking more at branding including your blog’s name in the title tags might be worth doing.
next – include the keywords that you identified in point #2 in your post title
also, keep in mind that the words you use at the start of a title tend to carry more weight than words you use later in your title.

4. Keywords in other parts of your post

Use the keywords you identified in point #2 within your post also. If you want Google to rank you for a term or phrase you need to use that term or phrase. Use it in sub headings in your post (use h tags where you can), use it in the content itself, use the words in the alt tags of images etc. Don’t go over the topic but do use the words where you can naturally in the post.

5. Link to Your Own Posts

Don’t over do this one but while links from other sites are a great way to increase your blog’s rankings so are links from your blog. Interlink your posts to share where readers can find more information on your topic (where relevant) but also consider linking to key posts on your blog from other places on the blog (sidebar, front page etc).

6. Links from Outside Your Blog

Links from other sites to yours are key in SEO but they can be hard to get. Start to linking to your blog from other sites that you have or are active on. Some (like on Twitter) won’t count for anything much as they have no-follow tags but they are all potential ways for people to access your site and some will help with SEO.

Don’t become obsessed with getting links – rather become obsessed about writing great content and the links will generally come in time. However if you’ve written a great post that you think will be relevant to another blog don’t be afraid to let that blogger or website owner know about it – they could just link up.

Also – take note of the type of posts that you write that do well at getting other sites to link to you. You can learn a lot about generating linkable content by doing so and might just develop a technique that will work again and again.

7. Plugins

I don’t tend to do much to the back end of my blog to alter things like meta tags – but there are some good plugins around if you’re using WordPress that can help with some of this and that may give you a small edge. Check out 9 SEO plugins that every WordPress Blog Should have for some suggestions on this.

8. Readers Begat Readers

This isn’t an SEO technique as such but it plays a part. The more readers you have the more likely your blog is to be found by other readers. There’s a certain ‘snowballing’ thing that happens on a site over time – as you get readers quite often momentum grows as those readers pass on your site to others in their network. They link to you, they bookmark you, they tweet about you, they email friends about you, they blog about you, they suggest your site in recommendation engines….

Not all of this counts with SEO but some does and the accumulation of it over time all certainly helps to grow both organic and search traffic. I guess what I’m saying is to get readers any way you can – don’t just focus upon ‘SEO’ as such. It all counts.

My Hunch with SEO

Before I share my hunch…. let me say that I’m not an SEO and this could be completely wrong…. but it’s a hunch that I’ve had for a while now.

I’ve been doing this blogging thing for almost 7 years now and from what I can see the tweaks that many bloggers do on their blogs to optimize it seem to be having less and less impact on the rankings of blogs. Don’t get me wrong – I stand by the above tips completely and would do them as a common sense bare minimum – but from where I sit Google seem to be in the business of finding the best information that they can for their users. They don’t always get it right but I think they do a pretty good job.

As a blogger your job should be to provide the best information that you can.

It strikes me that Google have an ever increasing way of working out if your information is good. It’s not just about what keywords you have or how many links that you get – but these days they own Feedburner (know how many people subscribe to your blog and what links people are clicking on), they own Google Reader (again giving them all kinds of great data), they own Gmail, Google Analytics, YouTube etc…..

Now they may or may not use all the data in their ranking of sites but they certainly could know a lot about your blog and the posts you write. There’s also been increasing talk over the last 6 months or so about how easy it’d be for search engines to start generating data on what content is being shared in social networks and bookmarking sites.

My hunch is that many traditional SEO methods are less important (NOT irrelevant though) and that other factors are increasingly going to come into play. I’m sure that some will work out ways to manipulate this (SEO 2.0?) but increasingly the way to get ranked high in Google will be that you just need to keep producing great content and making sure that it’s sneezed out to your network.

Help this process along by giving your readers way to share your content (and seed it to social networks) as well as to become subscribers.

Learn a little about SEO using this video:
Video Provided Moz sourced from Integrity Marketing & Consulting.

Targeting Quality Patient, Client, Customer Leads

Lead Generation + Precision Targeting + Flawless Execution = Success Traffic to your website is great but qualified traffic to your web...